Thursday, August 16, 2012


Yesterday, I started craving pizza around 9:30 AM.  No matter what I ate throughout the day or how hard I tried to distract myself from this desire, I found myself simply insatiable.  It wasn't until I ordered and ate some pizza for dinner last night that I could feel once again at peace.

Our ladies' small group has just started delving into a new book called "Desperate: Seeking Simplicity...Finding the Cross" by Cindi Wood.  The chapter I read today - "Addicted to Comfort?" - really struck a chord inside of my soul, especially considering the large craving I had yesterday.

The author reminds us that we were created with a hungering in our spirits.  God put it there.  He is a jealous God (Deut. 4:24) and wants us to want Him more than we want anybody or anything else.  Deep inside of us is a craving that cannot and will not be satisfied with any earthly thing.  Eating that pizza feels (extremely!) gratifying for the moment, but soon leaves us pining again. 

From now on, I will pay closer attention to my cravings - whether they be food or shopping or TV or vacation related.  It is my hope that I can first turn to God when my appetite is out of control and say, "Lord, right now I am turning to you with this desire, instead of to the pizza I so desperately want.  Fill me with you."

The whole point of the lesson is that we should find ultimate comfort in Jesus.  Cindi sums it up well when she writes: By all means, savor that piece of chocolate and cup of coffee.  But instead of turning to them for comfort, let them be an opportunity to praise the Giver. Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4).  


  1. Amen! Great post. And, I think your craving was purely hormonal and pregancy related ;-)

  2. LOL....You're probably right, Chelle!

  3. nice post thanks for sharing...i found your blog thrue other follower im looking for to visit more...blessings
