Friday, March 28, 2014

4 weeks till 35

There are 28 days before I hit my milestone of 35. I am feeling the urgency to reflect on what I want the last two-thirds of my life to look like. I need to start planting seeds and taking baby steps now to be heading in the right direction. Otherwise, I will end up somewhere completely off course, feeling restless and unfulfilled and questioning the authenticity of my life.

Here's what I know: I want to live a healthy, balanced, integrated life. I want to have a satisfying career that fulfills me spiritually and mentally and provides me with ample resources to live a comfortable life. I want to move and feed my body healthy foods every day. I want to break my addictions. I want to get rid of the pain in my tired, overweight body. I want to eat organic, local foods. I want to compose. I want to have less of a carbon footprint. I want to serve my church and my community. I want to spend quality time and nurture healthy relationships with my husband, my children and my friends. I want to spend more time outside, soaking up the warmth of the sun and the sound of the ocean. I want to enjoy regular massages, facials and teeth cleanings. I want to spend time in silence and meditation. I want to connect with God. I want to savor real, organic dark chocolate. I want beautiful, comfortable, stylish clothes. I want glowing skin, strong hair, bright eyes, and white teeth. I want a flat stomach and a toned physique. I want to love and laugh passionately. Always. I want to support people that come into my life with my words and my love. I want to be present and more fully alive. I want to experience true joy. I want to read and to write. I want to sing and dance and play. I want to shine brightly. I want to taste Heaven on Earth.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

beautiful day

A small ice storm passed through Baltimore in the evening hours, which allowed my school to open at 10 AM this morning. With the two extra hours of personal time I gained, I was able to run on the treadmill for 40 minutes, cut images and text out of a magazine, and read a book to my girls. My hubby and I even shared a passionate kiss on my way out the door. I was focused at work and was able to complete the majority of my pending tasks. I played briefly on Facebook and cried as I watched the video montage of the past six years it created for me. I brainstormed ideas for the job portfolio I am creating. I looked back at some kinds words my former boss wrote about me. In general, I just feel proud and accomplished and loved.

The sun is setting, and in a matter of minutes I will be heading home to my Loves. I don't know what mundane adventures tonight will bring, but all in all, it's been a beautiful day. <3

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

why not?

A reoccurring theme showing up for me lately is: take risks.  My pastor addressed this topic on Sunday, saying that within the risks is where growth occurs.  I really love that.  After all, who wants to live a life of stagnation?  I think of a murky, bacteria-filled swamp compared to a fresh, bubbling brook.  Which one would you rather drink from?

I have heard the popular Mason Cooley quote, "'Why not' is a slogan for an interesting life," but up until now, I've paid it little mind.  Now that I am turning 35 and ready to start really living, however, I have decided to answer the majority of questions presented to me with those two words: why not?

This weekend I applied for a Program Director position within my school.  I may not be totally qualified, and it's three pay grades higher than my current position, but why not?  Why not try?  Why not get my name out there?  Why not nail the interview, accept the position, get a big raise to go along with my new powerful title, and be the most amazing director that my school has ever seen?  Why not?

Today I purchased a Groupon to take the courses necessary to obtain a PMP certification.  Why not?  Project management is a hot topic in research.  Why not better myself?  Why not obtain new skills that may improve my job performance?  Why not add some extra initials behind my name?  Why not?
I've only just begun on this journey of becoming more fully alive, but already it is feeling so good!

Monday, February 3, 2014

my fresh start

In 11 weeks and 4 days, I will be turning 35. Truthfully, I am excited for this milestone. I'm feeling settled in general; I have a wonderful husband, three beautiful children, a comfortable house, a fantastic church, a good job, impressive credentials, a supportive family, and forever friends. A lot of my prior insecurities and doubts have been replaced with new truths, and I am learning how to fully embrace my freedom in Christ. I've been going through the motions for way too long, and particularly over the last three months, I have been feeling a nudging in my spirit to wake up and to start being present in and enjoying this rich life I've been given. It may have taken me 35 years to get here, but I am ready to fully enjoy the last two-thirds of my life. This comfy nook in Cyberspace will be where I chronicle the details of my mundane journey.