Thursday, February 18, 2010

Wishcasting Wednesday: February 17th

Yesterday, Jamie posed the question "Where do you wish to make a difference?"

I want to make a difference in so many places. I want Harry to be a better person and feel pride because of me. I want to influence my children to be followers of Christ, true to themselves, and tolerant and loving towards others. I want to show constant love, encouragement and support to my extended family. I want to make a difference in my friends' lives, adding to their energy and their life experiences. I want to make a difference in my job - touching amd positively influencing one life at a time. I want to foster children. I want to take them to church and show them that they are loved and cared for, even when it feels like the complete opposite is true. I want to be active in my community - feeding the hungry and showing love to the "loveless" people. I want to love more green, being a little more kind to our earth. If I can do all of these things, I know I will have lived a wonderful, meaningful life.

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