Friday, March 23, 2012

Nervous Energy

The past two days I have been thinking about the miliatry coup in Mali. Two of our field sites in Africa are in this country, one of which happens to be on the same mountain as the presidential palace. One of our students is over there, and it fell in my lap to help bring him home. With the country borders being closed, it didn't look promising. Everything fell into place today, though. We have him on a flight out of Bamako on Tuesday. He will be safe on U.S. soil on Wednesday afternoon if all goes well.

The adreneline hasn't stopped, though. I can feel it flowing through my veins. I wonder if it will continue until I know he's home safely. And to think that I'm practically a stranger; I can only imagine how his parents are feeling. I now have a small appreciation of what military families must go through. I will be saying an extra prayer tonight for all our troops and their loved ones anxiously awaiting their return.

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