Week 16 is an exciting week! Tiny bones are forming in our Little Miracle’s ears, and he/she can finally hear our voices! It’s nice to know that I can finally be heard when I have conversations with and sing to my belly. Additionally, eyebrows, eye lashes, and hair are staring to fill in and taste buds are starting to form. The gender may also be determined. (Of course, we still have to wait for our Big Ultrasound for that knowledge!)
The highlight of this past week was hearing our baby’s heartbeat. Other than that milestone, there isn’t much to report. I’m still not showing (although I’m not sure how much longer I can continue to squeeze into my current pants!), and I only had one bad afternoon with heartburn. I don’t want to jinx myself, but this pregnancy has been surprisingly easy. Other than feeling more tired than usual, I honestly feel great.
I wrote a blog on MySpace announcing our joyous news, and I’ve started to tell more of my friends. The more I spread the news, the more excited I get. I will admit, though, that I am still nervous about telling my boss. He is returning to the office on Monday after being gone for several weeks. I’m not quite sure how he is going to handle the news.
One of the coolest reactions I got from the announcement was an “I knew it!” from my high school best friend. She said she had a dream on December 30th where I told her the news. She wrote about it in her journal on New Year’s Eve. I just think it is pretty amazing that we still have a strong connection after all these years. Like she said….some friendships just never go away.
I have a tendency to stalk the internet for information on pregnancy…and then run to my sister or mom to verify crazy facts. This week I found out that it is very common for women to “empty their bowels” on the delivery table. I used to think that my biggest fear surrounding delivery was the pain. Now I think I am more scared of excrementing in front of strangers and my husband! (Sorry if that was TMI!)
I am looking forward to the arrival of Spring this week, and I hope the weather will start to get nice soon. Last night, Harry and I took a long walk to Mars and back. It will be really great to do that or go bike riding on a regular basis again.
The highlight of this past week was hearing our baby’s heartbeat. Other than that milestone, there isn’t much to report. I’m still not showing (although I’m not sure how much longer I can continue to squeeze into my current pants!), and I only had one bad afternoon with heartburn. I don’t want to jinx myself, but this pregnancy has been surprisingly easy. Other than feeling more tired than usual, I honestly feel great.
I wrote a blog on MySpace announcing our joyous news, and I’ve started to tell more of my friends. The more I spread the news, the more excited I get. I will admit, though, that I am still nervous about telling my boss. He is returning to the office on Monday after being gone for several weeks. I’m not quite sure how he is going to handle the news.
One of the coolest reactions I got from the announcement was an “I knew it!” from my high school best friend. She said she had a dream on December 30th where I told her the news. She wrote about it in her journal on New Year’s Eve. I just think it is pretty amazing that we still have a strong connection after all these years. Like she said….some friendships just never go away.
I have a tendency to stalk the internet for information on pregnancy…and then run to my sister or mom to verify crazy facts. This week I found out that it is very common for women to “empty their bowels” on the delivery table. I used to think that my biggest fear surrounding delivery was the pain. Now I think I am more scared of excrementing in front of strangers and my husband! (Sorry if that was TMI!)
I am looking forward to the arrival of Spring this week, and I hope the weather will start to get nice soon. Last night, Harry and I took a long walk to Mars and back. It will be really great to do that or go bike riding on a regular basis again.
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