As I mentioned previously, my BFF Steph and I are embarking on a wellness journey that will begin on December 1st. Yes, both of us are starting out needing to lose some weight, and while weight loss is an end result we both hope to achieve, this journey embraces so much more. Ultimately, we want to be healthy – in body, mind and spirit.
We have decided to walk this path of wellness together because we know there is strength in numbers. We will be here to encourage and support each other. We will share our resources. We will hold each other accountable. And in the end, we hope to make a lasting change.
Of course, we are both of the same mind that there is not a one-size-fits-all solution. If there was, we would have already implemented it! Instead, while some elements may look the same (we will check in with each other at least once a week, we will make changes to our diets, etc.), each of the paths we walk will be slightly different.
The details of my plan may change along the way, but here are my current intentions:
~ I will partake of a 10-day juice feast.
~ I will cut out most sugar and caffeine from my diet.
~ I will eat a majority of whole foods.
~ I will keep a food journal.
~ I will gain more energy to exercise on a regular basis.
~ I will blog or journal regularly to keep my mind clear and focused.
~ I will to meditate on God’s Word daily.
~ I will take better care of my skin.
~ I will floss my teeth daily.
~ I will serve my husband and my children better.
~ I will leave work on time.
~ I will sing more.
~ I will find ways to get closer to my ideal career and lifestyle.
My goals are:
~ Fit back into my pre-pregnancy pants. (Yes, it’s been three months since I gave birth, and I am still wearing maternity pants!)
~ Lose at least 40 pounds.
~ Be able to run a 5K.
~ Be a better wife and mother.
~ Be able to think more clearly and strategically.
~ Radiate light from the inside out.
~ Be at peace no matter my circumstances.
I couldn’t be more excited about this journey. I’m ready to embrace a holistically healthy life once and for all so that I can eventually start helping others to do the same.