Sunday, September 24, 2017


I am part of a pilot group coaching program offered through an organization on campus called UMBrella whose mission is to empower women to become leaders at UMB and beyond.  If I'm being honest, I haven't gotten much out of the program, as much of the discussion has been generic and shallow.  Our topic last month, however, got me so excited and engaged - personal branding.

I really do want to get clear on where I am headed in life.  Most days I feel like I am floating in the ocean, being pushed and pulled by its current, instead of swimming in a specific direction.  While I do realize that I am not ultimately in control of my life, I do believe that God made us with the ability to create.  He places dreams and passions and talents inside of us and invites us into the creation process by letting us direct how they manifest in our lives (or not if we choose to bury those aspects of ourselves in the ground.)

For many years I have held a dream in my heart.  Circle's End would be a place where women come to heal.  Massage therapy, women's circles, a library of wellness books, nutrition advice, one-on-one coaching, collaging, comfortable seating, beautiful art, calming scents, fresh air, bright sunlight, a fairy garden.  Pinterest helped me realize that its physical location would be a craftsman cottage bungalow complete with a gate and wind chimes and a comfortable gathering place on the large front porch.  I have also said that the first step in making Circle's End a reality is going to massage school. 
One of my coaching colleagues asked the question during our personal branding session, "Is it possible to rebrand yourself?  If you don't like the image you've created for yourself up until now, can you change it?"  For me, that question was so profound.  And I decided that I did, in fact, need to rebrand myself.  

For the past few weeks I have been taking many online career fit assessments.  I read the book "What Color is Your Parachute" on a recommendation from our campus Ombudsman, and I read a book on personal branding that I saw near it at the library.

The one thing that struck me as odd in all of these assessments is that Massage Therapist did not appear as a good job fit for me.  But after contemplating this fact, I realize it's because I do not like science.  Anatomy and physiology actually scare me.  I am not good at memorization.  Of course a job that requires so much scientific knowledge would not result.  So now I feel I am left with a conundrum. 

On one hand, I'm not quite sure if massage therapy is the best fit for me.  On the other, Circle's End is still calling me.  I need to figure out a way to marry and resolve these two tensions.

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