33 weeks down; approximately 7 more to go!
This isn't a real exciting week in terms of development for our Little One. The average baby at 33 weeks weighs about 5 pounds and is about 17 inches long. Her growth is actually starting to slow at this point, though she is continuing to store up baby fat.
Our Precious Daughter is still being quite active. Luckily, she seems to move a lot during the day, and not so much at night. Even though frequent trips to the bathroom and sore hips wake me up in the middle of the night, at least she is not contributing! Harry is finally able to feel her moving when he puts his hand on my belly. I think that's the coolest part!
Our childbirth classes have been going well. We have our third one tonight. Though Harry said we won't really be prepared for the real thing, at least we have an idea of what to expect. I've also had two prenatal yoga classes, which have been great. My favorite part is the relaxation at the end, where we just close our eyes and bond with our babies.
All in all, I feel great. I have no real complaints. My fingers and feet are starting to get bigger, though. On Sunday, not only did I have to take off my engagement ring, I also had to change shoes with my sister right in the middle of Target. Hers were slightly bigger and didn't rub the tops of my feet like mine did. She said, "No offense, but your feet are getting fatter!"
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