Thursday, July 30, 2009

Week 35

I told Harry this morning that we should play 3535 in the Lotto. Today, I am 35 weeks pregnant, with 35 days to go.

This has been a better week for me. I still feel a bit tired, but it is nothing like last week. On Tuesday night, I couldn’t sleep. I just couldn’t get comfortable no matter how hard I tried. I think I fell asleep around 3AM and had to get up at 6AM, but despite that, I still had more energy than I had last week. Guess that proves that I was simply drained. I’m glad to be feeling better.

This past weekend, Amanda and I went to New York to visit Stephanie. That was a fun trip. Last night, Mom, Kris, Damian, Tony, Harry, and I went to the Orioles’ game. Damian had his hair spray-painted black and orange. I really wish I would’ve had my camera! This coming weekend is Lucy’s birthday party. And, as always, Harry and I will be driving by our house to see the progress. With any luck, we will be able to go inside and see the drywall that was just put up.

I feel like I am entering a period of calm before the storm. The woman who will be covering my position at work while I’m on maternity leave started on Tuesday, so I have a lot less on my plate during the day. Soccer, yoga, and childbirth class ended this week, so my evenings are once again free. And even though my weekend activities are continuing, they don’t feel as hectic. My goal for all this downtime is to try and connect with God, myself, and Harry as much as possible and to prepare as best I can for the arrival of our Little One.

Speaking of our angel, this is what’s happening to Bianca this week. As she gets bigger and her space inside my womb becomes limited, I am more likely to feel wiggles, stretches and rolls, as opposed to kicks and jabs. Her liver has begun processing her waste products, and her nails are growing so long they may curl over the tips of her tiny fingers and toes. During the last few weeks of pregnancy, she will put on most of her weight. In general, babies gain about one-half pound per week in the last month of pregnancy. Hopefully that’s all I’ll be gaining, as well. (Hey…one can hope!!)

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Appointment Update

I had a doctor’s appointment last night. Everything is still looking great. I managed to find the pound I lost two weeks ago, plus another one, putting me up to 18 pounds gained so far. My blood pressure was good, and I wasn’t dehydrated. Bianca’s heart rate was in the 130s. It hasn’t been that low before, but the midwife said it was still in a healthy range. She is still measuring right on track.

I have now graduated to weekly appointments. I go back again next Tuesday morning. I will be given a Group B Strep test and an internal exam to see if I have started dilating yet or not. I have a feeling that I haven’t, but it would be exciting to see some progress. Either way, I will be sure to keep you updated.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Week 34

This week has been pretty difficult for me in terms of energy. I have had none. My alarm goes off in the morning – and I’m tired. I get to work – and I’m tired. I eat – and I’m tired. I go to soccer or yoga – and I’m tired. I get home – and I’m still tired. I go to bed, get up, and do it all over again. For some reason, I just feel really drained. I’ve also had a dull headache all week that just won’t go away. What I really want right now is a day to just hide in my room and sleep. Unfortunately, my hectic schedule won’t allow it.

But here we are with only 6 more weeks to go!!! Even though I’m really excited to meet our daughter, I have to admit that I’m starting to get a little nervous. I’ve heard that everything changes when you bring children into this world, and I admit that I don’t generally deal with change very well. I also question my ability to raise a happy, healthy, well-balanced person. I can’t even cook. Do I really have what it takes to be a good mom? Luckily, I can figure everything out and transition smoothly with the help of my wonderful husband. When I asked Harry yesterday if he was ready to be a dad, he said without hesitation, “Yes!”

I know he’s going to be a great father. He’s dependable, he’s loving, he’s fun, he has his priorities straight, he’s supportive, he is a great teacher and coach, and he just has a great outlook on life. I really couldn’t ask for a better person to raise a family with. He is my partner, my laughter, and my stability. And soon, he will be Bianca’s Daddy.

Speaking of our Little One, normally in week 34, babies start to descend down towards the pelvis. This move is called “lightening” or “engagement.” I’m looking forward to the weight shift because I have been having a little difficulty breathing lately. I think she may be pressing up against my lungs. What I’m not looking forward to is having her press against my bladder or the inevitable waddle that comes along with trying to carry a watermelon between your legs!

In other news, our current poll is back in action! Harry went on a pre-drywall walkthrough of our house yesterday morning. Apparently, the drywall will be complete by next Friday. After that, it’s approximately 30 more days to go until completion…which means we’re likely to go to settlement in early September! So again I ask: do you think our house or Bianca will be born first? It may be a close race after all!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


I just want to say thank you to all of my wonderful family and friends who surprised me with a fabulous baby shower today. Words just can't express how grateful Harry and I are for all of your love, support, and generosity. Bianca is so blessed to be entering such a caring support system. We love and appreciate you more than you know!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Week 33

33 weeks down; approximately 7 more to go!

This isn't a real exciting week in terms of development for our Little One. The average baby at 33 weeks weighs about 5 pounds and is about 17 inches long. Her growth is actually starting to slow at this point, though she is continuing to store up baby fat.

Our Precious Daughter is still being quite active. Luckily, she seems to move a lot during the day, and not so much at night. Even though frequent trips to the bathroom and sore hips wake me up in the middle of the night, at least she is not contributing! Harry is finally able to feel her moving when he puts his hand on my belly. I think that's the coolest part!

Our childbirth classes have been going well. We have our third one tonight. Though Harry said we won't really be prepared for the real thing, at least we have an idea of what to expect. I've also had two prenatal yoga classes, which have been great. My favorite part is the relaxation at the end, where we just close our eyes and bond with our babies.

All in all, I feel great. I have no real complaints. My fingers and feet are starting to get bigger, though. On Sunday, not only did I have to take off my engagement ring, I also had to change shoes with my sister right in the middle of Target. Hers were slightly bigger and didn't rub the tops of my feet like mine did. She said, "No offense, but your feet are getting fatter!"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Appointment Update

I had another appointment today. Everything is still looking good. Bianca's heart rate is still in the 140s, and she is measuring right on track. I somehow managed to lose a pound in the last two weeks, putting me at 16 poinds gained so far during this pregnancy. I go back for my next appointment on July 28th.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Week 32

Only 8 more weeks to go!! It looks like Bianca will definitely make her Big Arrival before our house is built. Harry and I met with the construction manager on Monday, and he estimates that we will go to settlement late September or early October. Even if she is late, she certainly won’t be four weeks late, so it is inevitable that she will be coming home to the apartment.

I have been feeling really great this week. I have no major complaints – except that my feet have been particularly sore. I have also been feeling Bianca move more than ever. You can even see my belly move when she moves. It’s pretty neat. I imagine it’s only going to get more amazing as she gets bigger.

This week, our Little One has now developed sensitivity to temperature. Apparently, if I put a heating pad on my belly, I will most likely get a nice kick. I wonder if the same is true for something cold… In great news, thanks to their recently matured lungs and a remarkably strong immune system, over 90% of babies born in their 32nd week survive. While I’m hoping Bianca will stay put for quite a while longer, knowing this fact gives me another reason to breathe easier.

Because I have been asked several times, particularly by my out-of-state friends, for pictures of me with my growing belly, I will oblige. But considering that I was chubby to begin with and in comparison to other women at 32 weeks, my belly is actually still pretty small. In fact, just today one of our housekeeping staff asked me if I already had the baby. Guess that’s what happens when I don’t wear one of my maternity shirts; I just look chubby!!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th of July!

Harry, Mom and I celebrated the morning of America's birthday at the Dundalk parade. Both Damian and Katie were in it, which was exciting.

In other exciting news, it looks like framing on our house is almost complete! Harry and I drove by this afternoon to find not only walls, but a roof! We meet with the construction foreman on Monday. Hopefully he will give us an estimated date of completion.
I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Week 31

31 weeks down…only 9 more to go! It’s a bit crazy that we’ve made it to the single digits when it comes to counting down. (As long as our Little One arrives on time, of course!)

This week, Bianca is approximately 4 pounds and 17 inches. With each added layer of baby fat, her skin is starting to look more and more like it will when she finally gets to see the light of day. She will be gaining about a half a pound of weight per week from now until about two weeks before birth. That's exactly what I need: even more weight to carry around!

Our Little Miracle’s still-developing immune system has gained substantial strength over the past few weeks. Her cute little head is still soft because the skull bones have not yet fused together. The “skull softness” allows for a much smoother passage through the birth canal during labor. Some babies will have that soft spot on their head for up to one year after birth.

This week, other than feeling tired the majority of the day, I feel generally great. I have had very minimal heartburn and my stomach hasn’t been aching. My back and hips are starting to feel more sore, particularly at night, but that’s just par for the course. Bianca seems to be more active lately. She hasn’t been kicking too much, but she apparently likes to roll around a lot. (At least that’s what it feels like!)

Harry and I begin our childbirth classes tonight. We were asked to bring two pillows and a blanket with us. I’m looking forward to seeing what they have in store for us!