Friday, December 2, 2011

#reverb11: The Beginning

I still can’t completely wrap my head around the fact that 2011 will be over in a few short weeks. At this time last year, I took part in a blogging exercise called Reverb 10. While there are no official Reverb 11 prompts this year, the creators of the project encouraged everyone to reverb on their own. It’s a great way to reflect on the year we just lived, plus set dreams, goals, and intentions for the year ahead.

I liked Kaileen Elise’s first prompt, so I am going to start there.

Where did 2011 begin?

It’s funny, but I couldn’t recall the beginning of this year in my mind. I had to peruse my blog archive to see where I was in January 2011. As it turns out, while commencing my self-proclaimed breakthrough year, I was preoccupied with work. Laboring far too many hours on way too little sleep, longing for a job with greater flexibility and a shorter commute that would allow me to spend more quality time with my family. I also desired to know God better and to get healthier in mind, body, and spirit.

Looks like not much has changed over the last 12 months! So much for breakthrough, huh? (I think I’ll ponder this question more before giving an answer – I may have made more progress than what’s found on the surface!)

The truth is that this year has passed me by at lightning speed, and I think I spent most of it on autopilot. My days were filled with wake up, shower, eat, commute, work, eat, work, commute, eat, sleep, rinse and repeat. Though precious moments of nourishment were sprinkled here and there, they were pretty scarce when you look at my year as a whole.

I have to make a conscious decision not to live like that anymore. In 2012, I need to focus on being on being more present, more aware, more connected, more joyful. I also need to nurture parts of myself that have been neglected far too long – things like my alone time with God, my health, my writing, my relationships, and my singing. I need to take time for fun and play and laughter and movement and hugs and tickle fights and lunches eaten away from my desk. It’s my hope that 2012 will be the most joyful, peaceful, centered, connected, brave, generous, loving, life-changing year of my life.

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